Which hair colour is suitable for me?
Blond highlights are suitable for men with pale skin. Avoid going too blond if you have dark skin. Dark golden blond will suit you if you have medium skin. If you're feeling brave, red suits almost everyone, but remember to choose a light red medium red or dark red shade according to your skin tone.
Additionally darker colours are suitable for most men with brown or hazel eyes. Blond hair will suit someone with gey or blue eyes. Red hair will suit almost everyone but particularly people with green eyes.

Clients must be 16 years or older
please phone 0191 2619651
Alternatively, select one of the below hair stylists
and book your hair appointment online
Greg's usual days of work:
Mon - Tue - Wed - Thu - Fri
Book your hair appointment online with Greg
Dalton's usual days of work:
Mon - Wed - Thur - Fri - Sat
Book your hair appointment online with Dalton
Nicholas Mark Hairdressing is a Newcastle city centre salon with a 40% male clientele. Stylists Greg and Dalton are experienced in colouring men's hair.
How much does a men's cut and colour cost?
The cost of a men's colour will usually start from £43. If you would like to know the full price in advance, please book a free consultation by calling 0191 2619651. Alternatively, you can book a free consultation online by choosing one of the above stylists.
If you would also like your hair cut it would cost an extra £24.00.
How long does a colour last and how often will I need to recolour my hair?
On healthy hair and if your hair does not get much exposure to the sun, a permanent colour will last 6 - 12 months. However, as the hair grows from the roots, most clients after 2 - 3 months will want to recolour the roots so they match the rest of the hair.
A semi/temporary again depending on the condition of the hair or if the hair has previously been bleached will usually last a lot less e.g. 1 - 4 weeks.
Can I wash my hair before it is dyed? It is best not to wash the hair for at least 24-48 hours before it is coloured. This is because the scalp produces natural oils that protect the scalp during the colouring process. After your hair is dyed it is best to only wash it once or twice a week.
Do I need to use any special products after my hair is coloured?
It's recommended to use a shampoo and conditioner that says for coloured or chemically treated hair. These shampoos are free of Sodium Chloride and Sulphate. If you use products that contain Sodium Chloride or Sulphate the colour will fade more quickly and will look less vibrant.
Do hair dyes damage hair?
Hair dyes can be damaging if the product is left on the hair for an excessive amount of time or if it is applied to hair that has been sensitised e.g. through previous colours, perms or heat damage.
How long should I wait to colour my hair after a perm, permanent hair straightening or hair relaxing?
You will need to wait at least two weeks after a perm, permanent hair straightening or hair relaxing before you can safely colour your hair.
What are shoeshine bleached tips?
This is a highlighting technique that we use to apply the colour mainly to the ends of the hair and it works best on short hair. We first put bleach onto a long piece of foil and apply the bleach onto the hair with a sweeping motion similar to when polishing shoes. These types of highlights are also often referred to as frosted tips or blond tips.
Can I colour my hair if I use wax, mousse, gel or hairspray?
Wax, mousse, gel or hairspray can create a barrier and prevent the colour from penetrating into the hair. For this reason, we would ask if you could please wash your hair at least 24 hours before your hair appointment.
Are men's colours back in fashion?
Yes, men's hair colour is in fashion. Just look at male celebrities like Marcus Rashford, Phil Foden or Zayn Malik.
How long does a hair colour take to do?
A colour usually takes approximately 2 - 3 hours to do.
How long should you wait to wash your hair after it has been coloured?
There is no specific amount of time that will need to wait. However, you can prevent the hair colour from fading by washing the hair just once or twice per week.
I've been colouring my hair for many years, will I need to come to the salon for a skin allergy test Colours or Highlights require a skin test at least 48 hours before the appointment. Please note that we will not be able to do your highlights or colour without a skin allergy test. You will still need to come for a skin test even if you have had a skin test, colour or highlights at another salon.
I had an allergic reaction the last time I had a colour. Will it be safe to have a colour now?
All bands of colours contain very similar ingredients so there would be a very high risk of you having another allergic reaction and so we would not be able to do this service for you.
Is a hair colour suitable for all hair types?
We can only colour healthy hair. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer this treatment to men whose hair is very damaged. However, it is very rare for men with short to medium length hair to have damaged hair. If your hair is long e.g. down to your shoulders and you regularly colour your hair, then it's best to book a free consultation to make sure that we can go again ahead with the service. To book a free consultation please phone us on 0191 2619651. Alternatively, you can book a free consultation online by choosing one of the above stylists.
Nicholas Mark Hairdressing
The hair salon is in Newcastle city centre just 2 minutes from Northumberland Street. Find Superdrug on Northumberland Street, walk into Saville Row, cross the traffic lights at the end of Saville Row, walk straight past Clapham House, go up the brick steps or the side path and you will find the Salon at 5 Saville Place.
For more directions please see
how to find the salon.
5 Saville Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8DQ
Telephone: 0191 2619651
Nearby Metro stations
Both Newcastle city centre metro stations are very close to the salon.
The salon is just a 4 minute walk from the Monument metro station and a 3 minute walk from the Haymarket metro station.